Waste management garbage truck drawing
Waste management garbage truck drawing

waste management garbage truck drawing

In this regard, at the first place should have attention to how to collect large amounts of dust and at a later stage to consider the issue of recycling. According to the inevitability of waste generation or waste by humans, the attention to control and regulate (organizing) is a national duty. The main steps of the waste management process include 6 steps: 1) waste generation, 2) handling, separation, storage, and processing at the source, 3) Collection, 4) separation, processing, the transformation of waste, 5) Transport, 6) Disposal. And this sense of perfectionism shows in public areas and topics such as issues related to municipal waste management. In fact, this natural human tendency to change and evolve is the source of social, cultural, and political changes. This need to change also increased and world civilization owes a human need for change. The need (demand) to change is the most important natural need of a man in history, promoted along with intellectual and cultural development and social and scientific promotion. Finally, by integrating ArcGIS software, the output of the algorithm was matched to the map. With the help of the algorithm, all the management parameters of sustainable development, including reducing air pollution, reducing street pavement destruction, and energy (fuel) consumption are achieved.

waste management garbage truck drawing

On the other hand, the amount of cost function is reduced from 11775.4909 to 1589.6028 by optimizing mentioned model, and the performance result has led to the emergence of the shortest possible path. The simulation results showed that the genetic algorithm converges to the optimal response in the 2069th generation and according to the convergence graph, in the 1000th generation onwards, the slope of the graph decreases. This study simulated the routing process of garbage trucks using random routing problems and genetic algorithms.

waste management garbage truck drawing

Therefore, the issue of vehicle route determining to achieve this goal is very important. On the other hand, the traffic of heavy vehicles collecting waste causes the air pollution spread and the passages pavement damage in case of excessive loading. Therefore, a little improvement in collection operations can have a significant impact on total cost savings. The collection is one of the most important steps in waste management, accounting for 60% of total costs.

Waste management garbage truck drawing